Friday, June 15, 2012


We've just submitted our Loeries entries for 2012.

Standard Bank PBB Indaba 2012 - Multimedia

Well done Marisa and the team!

Out of the Blue - Internal Communications - Video

It's amazing how much work one relatively small team in one relatively boutique agency can produce in a year.

Kumba Shareholder - Theatre Piece

It's very gratifying when so much of that work gets entered into the nation's biggest creative awards.

Telkom Business Mobile Launch - Multimedia

And it's very exciting to sit by and see how these entries fare in the hearts and minds of the judging panel.

KickStart Awards - Multimedia

So, thanks to Producers Shayne and Mic Mann, and directors, Jenine Collocott, James Cunningham, Tyron Janse van Vuuren, Charmain Weir Smith, and Gilli Apter, and all of the cast and crew and technical wizards like Stephen Buchanan and Designer Goddesses like Chantelle Lourens that turned words on a page into wonders in the world.
SAB Responsible Trader - Live & Video

Holding thumbs up!

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